The 3 Most Effective Ways To Limit Divorce Costs

Divorce costs have a nasty way of getting out of control before you even realize what hit you.
A lot of guys are unfamiliar with the many unexpected factors that end up driving up the cost of divorce. The hit to their wallet ends up blindsiding them, and the shock of it all makes coming up with a realistic post-divorce budget all that more difficult.
There is no way around the fact that divorce costs are going to add up and probably hit you pretty hard, but there are some simple steps you can take to help ease the blow.
Planning For Divorce Costs
For a lot of guys, it is tough bouncing back from the financial costs of divorce, because they did not see the divorce coming in the first place. One day they come home, they are served with divorce papers, and the entire process hits them like a tsunami.
Some catastrophic life events are extremely difficult, but at least somewhat expected. No one ever gets married with the intention of one day divorcing, so there is no way to realistically plan for it outside of signing a prenuptial agreement at the start of the marriage.
However, once you find out that divorce is in the cards, it is critical that you act quickly to get your affairs in order or else you risk getting a bad deal in your divorce settlement.
The most important step for you to take is finding a divorce attorney for men who can help guide you through each stage of the process.
There are some simple steps you can take to help ease the blow of divorce.Click To Tweet
Finding A Divorce Attorney For Men
It might seem tempting to try a do-it-yourself divorce without the assistance of a divorce lawyer for men. However, even if you are on good terms with your wife, this is not advisable as do-it-yourself divorces tend to have a lot hidden divorce costs. Plus, the process can go south in a hurry if you end up disagreeing on any issues with your ex.
It is true that it is generally fairly expensive to hire a divorce attorney. Many lawyers charge an hourly rate that varies by region and can cause your divorce costs to skyrocket in a hurry if you are not careful. Nonetheless, hiring a good divorce attorney is one of the most effective steps you can take toward reaching a fair settlement and limiting long-term divorce costs.
Do your research on the qualities that good divorce lawyers share, and take the time to meet with them in person. You will likely have to pay an initial consultation fee, but it is important to find an attorney who you click with, as having a good attorney-client relationship is critical to achieving your goals in family court.
Keep in mind that some law firms, such as Cordell & Cordell, focus specifically on men’s divorce, which helps the attorneys understand the unique challenges guys face during divorce. Unfortunately, there are many outdated stereotypes that still pervade the family court system, which make things especially difficult for men and fathers. Having a divorce attorney for men who understands your perspective as you are figuring out the best steps to take in your divorce.
To get in touch with a divorce lawyer for men in your area, fill out this online contact form.
Cordell & Cordell understands the concerns men face during divorce.
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Use mediation to cut down divorce costs
Another very effective way to save money on your divorce is to take advantage of a mediation. This involves using a third-party mediator to help negotiate the divorce terms as opposed to having a result imposed by the court.
A mediator is an impartial and professionally-trained person who acts as a go-between to the parties of the divorce to try to work out the terms of an agreement. The mediator does not decide anything, but rather helps each party in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution.
This does involve shelling out some additional money to pay the mediator, but that will be well worth it if it helps you avoid additional costly litigation.
Generally, the less contentious your divorce and the more issues you and your wife can agree on, the lower your divorce costs will be. It is critical to have a divorce lawyer for men in your corner who makes sure your rights are protected, but it also is essential for you to go into the process with an open mind.
The divorce process involves a lot of give and take, so do not fall into the trap of disagreeing over non-essential items, because you harbor hard feelings toward your ex. That will only serve to make the divorce more painful and costly for all parties involved.
The post The 3 Most Effective Ways To Limit Divorce Costs appeared first on Dads Divorce.
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